1 Best Sight in Northern Ireland

Linen Hall Library

Central District Fodor's choice

With its distinctive grayish-yellow brick, this library—the oldest subscription library in Ireland—is a comfortable place to escape the bustle of the city streets. The library, which has been awarded museum status, has an unparalleled collection of tens of thousands of documents and books relating to the Troubles, regarded as the definitive archive and attracting scholars from all over the world. A digital archive launched in 2018, Divided Society, features a wide range of material relating to the peace process of the 1990s resulting in the Belfast Agreement on Good Friday in 1998. One early librarian, Thomas Russell, was hanged in 1803 for supporting an Irish uprising; another early user, Henry Joy McCracken, a founding member of the United Irishmen, went to the scaffold owing the library £1.30 in subscriptions arrears, a debt that was eventually paid by a descendant in 2001. American visitors in particular like to see one extremely rare item: the original document recording the first ever acts passed by the American Congress in New York on March 4, 1789. On the walls are paintings and prints depicting Belfast views and landmarks. Much of this artwork is for sale. Look out for the beautiful stained-glass windows on the first floor featuring portraits of men eminent in literature and science. It's an ideal hideaway for relaxing with a newspaper, enjoying the library's café, and falling into conversation. Guided 45-minute tours are held at 10:30 am weekdays.